The best fruits and vegetables for healthy skin and hair are the same as they are for any other part of the body. To get the most out of your diet, you have to eat the right things in the right amounts. Too much of anything can be bad, and that includes too many carbs in your diet. Eating too many carbs is bad not only because eating them causes you to gain weight, but they also slow down your digestive system. This means that more of your food goes unused as your body tries to process it. It is better to eat plenty of vegetables but make sure you balance the amount of roughage and carbohydrates that you take in.
Fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins A, B, and C are the best fruits for healthy skin and hair. These vitamins are what your skin needs in order to stay healthy and firm. Eating foods like oranges, bananas, strawberries, and carrots will give you the vitamins that your hair needs as well. Foods rich in Vitamins B and C are proven to prevent dandruff and improve your skin tone. You will find that these fruits and vegetables will make your hair look great, shiny, and full of vitality.
Eating foods rich in zinc is essential to having a healthy scalp and hair. Your skin needs this mineral in order to be able to maintain its natural balance. Zinc also helps to protect your hair against environmental irritants which can damage it.
The minerals and vitamins listed above are just a few of the ones that will help you maintain a healthy scalp and hair. There are many more important nutrients that should be included in your diet to maintain good health. These vegetables also have high levels of anti-oxidants which will stop your follicles from being attacked by bacteria and fungus.
Another thing that your diet will lack without Vitamins A, B, and C is iron. When it comes to fighting off infections your skin as well as your hair will suffer if you don’t get enough iron in your diet. Follicles that are not adequately covered in sebum are prime targets for an infection. Bacteria will also attack sebum causing it to become dry and flaky. This can lead to scalp acne or even worse such as head lice. So it’s really important to get enough vitamins to keep your skin and hair healthy.
One other thing that you should definitely include in your diet is protein. Protein is essential for the building and repairing of your hair. It is also used for the growth of nails and hair. A deficiency in protein can actually cause thinning hair or baldness in some cases.
Fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants will also benefit your health and your hair. These include blueberries, blackberries, prunes, strawberries, and green tea. These help rid the body of free radicals that could weaken your immune system. Free radicals can cause damage to healthy cells and the cellular membrane of the cells. The presence of these toxins in the body leads to a weakened immune system and thus a weaker immune system makes you more prone to colds and flu.
Your diet needs to contain the best fruits and vegetables for healthy skin and hair. So make sure to include plenty of raw fruits and vegetables in your daily menu. They are packed with nutrients that are very essential for healthy hair. Try eating them raw if you want to stay healthy. You might just find yourself following a new lifestyle with healthy hair.